The number of visitors from neighboring countries declined due to monsoon-related issues. Indian arrivals dropped by 13% in October (16,313), while Chinese visitors fell to 7,750. In contrast, arrivals from the U.S. surged by 12.88%, with 16,023 visitors in October, up from 10,084 in September. Other notable contributors included UK (8,019), Australia (6,929), Germany (6,018), France (5,485), Italy (2,635) and South Asia: Bangladesh (4,476), Sri Lanka (3,112)
March recorded the highest monthly arrivals at 128,167, while July saw the lowest at 64,599. These figures highlight Nepal’s growing appeal, particularly during the spring and autumn seasons. Despite natural disasters, NTB remains optimistic. With infrastructure repairs underway and growing interest from Western markets, Nepal’s tourism industry is poised for continued growth.